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How does the Mindset & Solutions 6 session program work?

How do I know you’re the right person to help me?

You don’t, that’s why you need to meet with me first. I could give you a huge list of all my qualifications and accreditations, explain in great detail my experiences in private practice over the last 25+ years, you could read a book full of testimonials or hear the referrals from the many hundreds of previous clients. All might help you decide to book a FREE initial consultation but it’s not until you meet with me, when I explain to you exactly how I can help you and how we will do it together. If you feel reassured, confident, safe, comfortable and at ease with me, you then know whether I’m the right person for you to work with.

Why have a FREE Initial Consultation?

It is of paramount importance to me that each of my clients have full knowledge and understanding of the program they are buying into. Through experience the initial consultation has proven extremely important, both for me and the client, ensuring we both fully understand the requirements and expectations from one another and from the program before we agree to enter into therapy. This is why I offer a FREE no obligation initial consultation, you need to feel you have made the right choice.

Ideally, I prefer face-to face when we meet for the first time, I find it is so much easier and faster to build relationships when in the same room, and that’s what this consult is about, to establish if you feel comfortable with me.

The FREE initial consultation is a stand-alone session that is not part of the program, clients have often reported how much better and reassured they feel better the initial consultation. Clients feel they have been heard and understand how and why they have arrived at where they are.

What happens at the Initial Consultation?

During the initial consultation, you have the opportunity to discuss and ask any questions that you feel is relevant to the reasons why you may require the program. I explain why you are experiencing the things you are concerned about.

I explain how the program works and what changes you can expect. By the end of the consultation, you will know clearly if it’s the right program is for you, if for any reason you are unsure you can go away and think about it, there is no obligation, and you can pick up the program when you are ready.

When working with children or young adults I will only agree to run the program if the parent/guardian and the child feels it’s the right thing for them and both feel confident and comfortable with me. The clinic room is always warm, calm, and friendly so clients quickly feel at ease.

At the end of the initial consultation clients are given the program price, payment details, and payment plans if required. Any additional supporting materials and downloads are included in the program price. The initial consultation FREE there is no obligation to go into the 6-session program if it does not feel right for you, you can go away and think about it and come back when you are ready.

What happens during a Program Session?

All programs are bespoke for each client. The programs typically run for 6 sessions, over a 3-month period, each session last approx. 1 hour.

Having decided to start the program an appointment time is made, thereafter appointments will vary, from weekly, fortnightly, monthly or 2 monthly depending on your personal program requirements.

At each session a combination of various tools which will be used to achieve the required result; Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, CBT, NLP, Mentoring, Mindfulness, Coaching, Communication and Leadership to name a few. Specific downloads may be supplied to be used at home at nighttime to support the program effectiveness.

Additional Sessions: After the 6-session program it is advisable to have supportive monthly coaching sessions to keep on top of things and help move you forward in any new goals as you grow. This is a personal choice, many clients find a huge benefit to the monthly coaching sessions, however there is no obligation to do so.

Find out more about how
Mindset & Solutions can help

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