Programs for Children & Young Adults
Being a child or a young adult should be an exciting and fun time, hopefully having opportunities and the confidence to explore and develop their own personalities as they begin their journey through life.
However, sadly this isn't always the case and for some children /young adults they may experience challenges and setbacks that they need a little help and support to overcome.
I’m a Mum of 4 children, a Step Mum, and a Granny of 3, as you can imagine there are a number of situations I have experienced, not only when they were younger but still continues now they are well into their 30’s.I can assure you as a parent I would be wanting to know that my child /young adult is getting the right support they need, from someone who is professional and experienced in their field, yet kind, caring and compassionate to my child's particular needs.
Someone who can understand, relate to, and...
see my child as in individual, to develop a program my child requires specifically for them , and not a bog-standard therapy session.
When I work with children/young adults I also involve the parents, sadly often parents are left out, they are left unaware of what happens during the sessions and parents are not offered the additional support or knowledge and tools they need to support their child's progress.
The basis of Mindset & Solutions success comes from teaching and supporting the child/young adult and the family, with confidentiality and respect at the forefront. I create programs that are inclusive and ensure the child/young adult feels listened to and supported whilst at the same time without leaving parents out of the equation.
For our children to achieve maximum results from the program we all need to be working together.